Indie comic book creators are different than traditional comic book creators and they need different support. We specialize in providing indie comic creators with freelance editing tailored to bring out the best in their projects.
Even better, we do it at a price that you can afford! Our rate is only $3.00 per comic page or graphic novel page! Seriously.
We have provided editing services for hugely successful crowdfunded comics, such as Monster, M.D. by Von Klaus ($106,000+), Downcast (Issue 1 and Issue 2) by Clint Stoker ($31,000+ and $43,000+), Battle Brick Road by Eric Weathers ($94,000+), Terror in the Trenches Vol. 1 by Von Klaus ($65,000+), and the Replicator series by Rob Arnold ($49,000+ for Issue 3). Many of these projects are still open for additional orders, so if you are looking for a cool indie comic book project to support, check them out.
We have also provided editing services for a ton of other great comic projects. Some of these have been published on various online platforms and others are currently in the development and art stages.
Everyone has heard that you get what you pay for, so a price this low should raise some red flags. Nobody wants low-quality editing services for their masterpiece.
The difference is that our price reflects the services that indie comic books actually benefit the most from and cuts out the rest to give you the best value. An editor for a traditional comic book publisher has a huge role to play in the creation process. They are responsible for managing and generating story lines, ensuring continuity across issues, and making sure the story is fit for a mass market, among many other things. That is not what indie comic book creators need and there is no need to pay a freelance editor rates that traditional comic book editors charge.
Chances are you have a general understanding that a freelance comic book editor can help you make the best comic book possible. However, my experience with indie comic book authors suggests that very few people understand how. There are four different areas that we can help with, depending on where you are at in the process.
Typically, indie comic creators already have a story they want to tell. In fact, most that come to us for assistance already have a working script. However, if you are having trouble connecting the dots for your story, giving characters solid story arcs, or otherwise struggling, we can help. We can discuss a summary of your story, specific story lines, or whatever else might help, via email or video call. If you don't have a written script, we can figure out in advance a price that would be fair.
This is the most common request for editing services we receive from indie comic book authors. At this stage, you have written a script and are looking to polish it before sending it to the artist. This editing stage is fairly comprehensive. This edit focuses on character arcs, pacing, consistency, readability, and phrasing. We also do a full grammar edit on your comic book script. Edits are done using Microsoft Word's track changes feature or Google Drive's suggestions feature, both of which allow for providing redline markup for all edits and providing inline comments.
The proofreading stage typically takes place shortly before the art is sent to the letterer to add in the dialogue and captions. During subsequent edits and rewrites (some of which may be necessitated by the artist), grammatical errors inevitably creep in. The proofreading stage is designed to catch these errors to ensure they do not make it into your final comic book. Because this stage takes place after the artist has begun creating the artwork, these edits do not suggest any changes to story, number of panels, or anything else that would undo the artist's work. However, this edit does provide a full grammatical edit, including possible changes to improve existing dialogue and captions.
This stage of editing occurs after you have a proof of the final comic book and before taking it to market or distributing it to crowdfunding backers. The goal of this edit is to ensure that the layout is clear and readable, the artwork is consistent, and that any errors the letterer may have accidentally introduced are removed. All indie comic book authors perform this edit anyway. We act as an extra set of trained eyes to help ensure your final product is the best it can be.
Not all projects require all stages of editing. You know your project better than anyone and are in the best position to determine at which point(s) an editor will be most useful. We are here to help wherever we can.
Are you ready to start? Contact us and let us know how we can best help!
If you're still on the fence about whether you want to hire an editor, that is perfectly understandable. This is your masterpiece, after all.
One of the critical pieces of our editing process is providing potential clients with a sample edit. Send us a few pages (don't worry about how many; we'll stop when we feel like it's enough to give you a feel for the edit) and we'll edit them for you. No cost up front and no obligation. The sample edit is a critical part of the relationship between editor and author. The sample edit lets you see if we would be a good fit for your project and lets you know what to expect from us. It also gives us a chance to get early feedback, where necessary, from the author, to fine tune our edits to provide the most value for you. So what are you waiting for? Let us show you what we can do for you. Contact us and let's get started.
Are you ready to take your comic book to the next level? Contact us at or through this contact form: